Central Equatoria Governor threatens War on Jonglei Cattle Herders


The Governor of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria state, Emmanuel Adil Anthony has threatened war against cattle keepers following the death of 27 people caused by suspected herders from Bor last week.

He started this while addressing citizens of Kojo-Keji on Monday adding that the forces will fight cattle herders if they attack local again.

“As I am here today, we have decided as the state government of Central Equatoria that we will stay here and if cattle herders want to kill or fight us, we will fight them here in Kojo-Keji,” Adil said.

Adil said cattle keepers from Jonglei state who graze their animals in Koji-Keji will forcefully be driven to home.

“I want to tell them from now that we will relocate where they are hiding and we will forcefully drive their cattle out of Koji-Keji,” he said.

Last week, Central Equatoria State Government resolved to temporarily relocate all the heads of the various security organs at the headquarters in Juba to Kajokeji County following the killing of 27 farmers in Kajo-Keji County after a deadly revenge attack by cattle keepers.

According to Commissioner of Kajo-Keji County, Mr Phanuel Dumo, the incident happened in Likamerok village (Boma), in Lire constituency (Payam) when cattle keepers believed to be from Bor conducted a house-to-house murder of “innocent farmers”.