Ex-South Africa President, Jacob Zuma Dumps ANC, Pledges Support For New Party


Former South African President Jacob Zuma has denounced the governing African National Congress party and announced that he will vote for a newly-formed political formation in the country’s general election next year.

Recall that Zuma was president of the ANC from 2007 to 2017. He announced he made the announcement over the weekend, adding that he would vote for the newly-formed Umkhonto we Sizwe party.

It’s named after the ANC’s now-defunct military wing which was disbanded after the liberation struggle.

The 81-year-old Zuma called on other South Africans to vote for the new formation. He said that it would be “a betrayal to vote for the ANC” of President Cyril Ramaphosa.

He said: “I’m calling members of the ANC, MK, to vote for MK. That’s what I’m calling for. I’m not going to vote for the ANC. I’m going to vote for MK.”