Don’t Tempt Fate: The Power of Knocking on Wood to Protect Against Misfortune


  Knocking on wood is a common superstitious practice deeply rooted in Egyptian culture, and many others around the world, holding different meanings. The act of knocking on wood, or wooden objects, is typically used to ward off any sort of ‘bad luck’. When a positive event occurs, Egyptians have superstitiously knocked on wood to repent the envious eye. Some attribute the tradition to ancient Egyptians, as they used to hold the Sycamore tree to special significance, and considered it sacred, connected to the gods and heaven. Ancient Egyptians worshiped the Lady of Sycamore, also known as the Tree Goddess, and believed in her healing and protection powers that came through the tree. It is also thought that the act of knocking on wood could have been transformed from a Christian tradition to an Arab tradition. Christians would touch a wooden cross for blessing and protection, as it was believed to symbolize the magical power of the wooden cross on which Jesus was crucified. The tradition lived on and people started touching any wooden object for blessing, protection and to ward off the evil eye. This practice continued and spread…

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The post Don’t Tempt Fate: The Power of Knocking on Wood to Protect Against Misfortune first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets