Daylight Savings in Egypt Starts on 26 April


Egypt is gearing up for the start of daylight savings time on Friday 26 April, aligning with the provisions outlined in Law No. 24 of 2023.  According to Law No. 24 of 2023, daylight savings time in Egypt will commence on the last Friday of April and conclude at the end of the last Thursday of October each year.  During this period, the local time in the country will be advanced by sixty minutes, bringing about a temporary adjustment to the clocks. The clock will be advanced by sixty minutes, starting from midnight (00:01 a.m.) on Friday 26 April, and will revert to standard time at the end of the last Thursday of October, precisely at 11:59 p.m. (23:59 p.m.). The decision to implement daylight saving time stems from the government’s effort at energy conservation.  The introduction of daylight savings time is a significant step that has gained the approval of the House of Representatives. This approval solidifies the commitment to incorporate daylight saving time as a regular practice.  With the implementation of daylight saving time, Egypt will experience a temporary adjustment in its timekeeping practices. …

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The post Daylight Savings in Egypt Starts on 26 April first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets