Tanzania Government introduces Dress Code Guidelines for Public Servants


Tanzanian government has issued a dress code guideline for public servants after a female member of Parliament (MP) was caught wearing trousers.

It was gathered that this step was taken following complaints from her male colleague.

MP Condester Michael Sichlwe was asked by the Speaker of Parliament, Job Ndugai, to leave the chamber and only return after she had changed to a more decent outfit.

He reportedly chased her out after a male MP complained that her black trousers was too tight and not decent.

After the incident in parliament, a pamphlet with the acceptable dress code for Tanzanian governments workers was released and it had people talking and asking questions.

The first line on the pamphlet shows acceptable clothing for women. The second row shows acceptable clothing for men. And at the bottom are photos of unacceptable means of dressing.

Hence, Tanzanians pointed out that what MP Sichlwe wore to parliament, that led to her being thrown out, is displayed in the first row as acceptable clothing for women. They then questioned why Sichlwe was thrown out of Parliament and made to change to skirts for wearing acceptable clothing.