Submission of State FA Delegates Details To NFF Against Statutes – Baribote


Former Chairman, Nigeria Premier League (NPL) Rumson Baribote has said that the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) lacked the power to demand for the details information of State Football Association delegates

The football governing body in Nigeria in a letter dated 4th June 2021 demanded for detailed information about the delegates of all 36 states and FCT Football Associations.

Reacting to this development, Baribote in an interview and demanded for the reason behind the action. He added that the state FAs have the right to choose and fix the dates and venues of their Annual General Assembly.

He said; “Article 27 Ordinary General Assembly, Sub-section 1,2,3 stated this clearly that the NFF don’t have the right to demand for details of the state FAs delegates.

He quoted Article 27 subsection 1,2,3, “The ordinary Assembly shall be held every year. Subsection 1 reads.
Quoting Article 2 and 3, Baribote said, “The Executive Committee shall fix the place and date and members shall be notified in writing for at least three months in advance. The formal convocation shall be made in writing at least four months before the date of General Assembly. This convocation shall contain the agenda the report of financial statement and audit report and any other relevant documents.”

Baribote argued that Article 18 of NFF statute gives the state FAs the power to take decision independently concerning their members of any external body.

“Article 18 of NFF statute Sub-section 2 states that; The affiliate state Football Association must take decision on any matter regarding their membership independently of any external body. This obligation apply regardless of their cooperate structure.”
“It is only the Secretary and Chairman that the NFF has the right to call and attend the Federation’s Congress which is provided for.” He added.

He continued, “So, why were they asking for the details of their delegates? This is not in line with the statutes. Also, they’re asking them to send details of their delegates with two years left. Where do they derive the power from? He asked rhetorically.

“The statute empower the state to decide on date of their Elections. Whenever they’re ready they can communicate with the NFF about the election.” He concluded.