A Guide to Empowering Refugees Through Initiatives and Businesses in Egypt


Rebuilding, relocating, replacing, restabilizing — the refugee’s existence is a perpetual travel journey, lugging their hearts like overflowing suitcases. When stability no longer becomes a pre-fabricated reality, how can one cultivate stability, brick by brick, out of scratch? Egypt is currently home to 8-9 million refugees from 133 countries. But beyond the staggering numbers, it is important to remember that they’re not just individuals, but also mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and entire families looking to build a future not just for themselves, but also for their loved ones. In response to the needs of Egypt’s refugee population, a dynamic landscape of independent organizations and non-profits has emerged over the years. Driven by both refugees and non-refugees, these entities share a singular mission: to reconstruct the shattered foundation of stability for those displaced from their homes. The impact of these organizations goes far beyond the material gains; they offer a sense of hope in the face of despair and the unwavering will to rebuild. Below is a list of organizations and businesses to support and empower: Hopes For the Future Hopes For the Future is a community school established in 2019…

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Source: egyptianstreets