Ghanaian Quits Stand-A-Thon Marathon After Four Hours


A Ghanaian photographer and content creator, Patrick Amenuvor who attempted the Guinness World Record for the longest-standing marathon by an individual quit after a few hours

Amenuvor’s attempt follows the recent pursuits of other Ghanaians, such as Afua Asantewaa Aduonum’s quest for the Guinness World Record in the longest individual singing marathon and Chef Faila’s aspiration to achieve the record for the longest individual cooking marathon.

Patrick Amenuvor’s ambitious dream kicked off yesterday, January 14, 2024, and was set to continue until Sunday, January 21, 2024.

However, the marathon which kicked off at the GEM church in North Legon, which would have seen Patrick Amenuvor standing steadfastly to break an existing record, was abruptly ended after less than 5 hours.

Patrick Amenuvor’s team via a press statement said the photographer had to quit the Guinness World Record (GWR) attempt because he had broken some rules.

“Due to my integrity and desire to win by fair play I wish to inform all of my intention to stop my OFFICIAL STAND-A-THON attempt due to some rules I’ve broken which might sabotage my efforts to break the record,” the statement said.

It continued that “at this point, I deem it fit to get back with my team to review our attempt so far and make sure to avoid any errors that may hinder my future attempt. I want to use this opportunity to thank all who have stood with me all this while and I want to assure all that Patrick Amenuvor.

“STAND-A-THON is a dream that I’m not sleeping on. A new date will be communicated via all my social media pages. Thank you Ghana for the support,” the statement concluded.