“Hold My Pastor Responsible If Anything Happens To Me” – Nigerian Chef Cries Out


Controversial Nigerian cook Damilola Adeparusi also known as Chef Dami has alleged several threats from her pastor.

Dami, in an extensive Instagram post posted on Thursday, asserted that she had also been subjected to numerous derogatory remarks, curses, threats, and bullying messages from individuals she mentioned as “ people of God”

“By the time we are done with you, you will not be able to stand on your feet again” this was from the acclaimed “people of God”. Among many of the countless insults, curses, threats and bullying,” she wrote.

“Now, I understand the content of 1 Peter 4:17, Surely judgment will begin from the house of God.
“The first time the man of God tried to challenge my God he failed, then he told me to prepare for war.
“But these are the people of God, Are they not supposed to be Godly?

“Assuming I had died few days ago; people would’ve understood better what I’ve been facing, by the testimony of those around me. But I’ll still try and bind my piece because it is a testimony that others can learn from.

“I know about gods that is why I chose the undefeatable God. Surely they shall gather, but they that be with me are more than they that be with them.

“I’ve been in constant fear for my life.
“Countless times they’ve tried to destroy me as promised, but with God I keep moving as if nothing ever happened.

“Shouldn’t we have gotten over this?

“I mean it’s 4 months already, guess you will not stop until I stop breathing?”

In a follow-up post, the chef asked the public to “hold my pastor responsible in case anything happens to me”.

“I’ll be having an interview in Lagos soon. And I’m ready to let everything out once I get back,” she wrote.

“But in case anything happens to me; Adegoke Jeremiah A.K.A Billion Dollars Prophet, hold him responsible, he told me to prepare for war and we are both on it.”